Over 150,000 News Customers Joins Starlink Network

SpaceX boss elon musk said that starlink internet satellite now have 150,000 new customers after a bunch of lost

This information was recently released by a tweet posted by SpaceX boss elon musk on Monday 14 February, he however said; “over 250k starlink user terminals”-that’s 100,000 more than it was reported last month.

Over 250k starlink user terminals—Elon musk(@elonmusk)

Althoug his mind or decision is yet to be ascertained, whether he will be paying customers or the number of terminals built.

Furthermore,Global sprouts learnt that starlink uses a constellation of low-earth orbit satellites to beam broadband to customers on the ground.

Primary focus

The primary focus and goal of starlink to it’s user’s is to provide effective Service to location with poor internet connections. Thus, countries can sign up for the service.

In a bid to make their service affordable, SpaceX added a pricier premium starlink service to its sign up page, which is set to be launched in the first half of this year.

Starlink Offer Packages

The premium package offers a faster speed of up to 500Mbps, where customers will have a $500 refundable deposit, along with $2,500 for the hardware and a monthly fee of $500

Recall that the standard starlink internet service when launched in October 2020,was $99 deposit,$499 for hardware which includes a receiving dish and a monthly service fee of $99 for download speeds of up-to 200 Mbps.

The above result shows a rapid increases in starlink service provision to its customers.

Starlink growing customer base suggests spaceX could already be ranking around $25 million a month.A decent amount but no where near the amount predicted by Elon musk which he said to be $50 billion in annual revenue

Starlink service could have grown if not for the shortage of chip currently impacting the tech Industries.

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